There are circumstances in which you have to pay big for an expense. However, it is unfortunate that you do not have enough savings to do so. By taking out a personal loan, it can help you in pretty much anything. Regardless of your reason for applying for one be it financing your dream wedding, repairing your car and whatnot, getting a Zebra loan can be save you.
Majority of the applications for personal loans are straightforward.
However, in order to make the process fast and easy, see to it that you have secured the following information. To have better idea, here are what you should have.
Minimum Requirements
- Your credit rating should be on an average of 640.
- As for your yearly income, it should reach a minimum of 25,000 dollars (higher preferably)
- With regards to your credit history, it will date back several years for it to qualify and;
- The debt to income ratio must be 45 percent. This is what most lenders look at. Mind you, this does not include the mortgage.
Eligibility Criteria
In order for an applicant to be qualified for such loan, they should be:
- Has an active savings or checking account
- Of legal age
- A permanent resident or citizen of the US and;
- Should have regular income
Documents Required
With regards to the documents that you have to furnish your chosen lender, make sure that you have the following:
- Personal details including your date of birth, driver’s license number, SSN and of course, your full name
- Contact details such as your phone number, email and address
- Employer’s address, name and length of employment and lastly
- Bank account information
On the other hand, before you commence the loan process, you have to confirm the type of loan that you need. Generally, personal loans are unsecured type of loan. Meaning to say, they are using your credit as gauge than an asset such as your car or house. In the event that you are in need of a bigger loan amount or an open credit source, then you might want to check alternative financing options.
Locating the Right Lender
Never be afraid to look around and perform comparison of your prospective lenders. While doing so, see to it that you check their fees, interests, payment options as well as loan terms before you sign any documents.